Beskrivelse af Indlæg ved 3R-symposiet 2019
Nedenfor kan du finde en kortere beskrivelse af en række af de indlæg, som blev holdt på 3R-symposiet 2019:
- Welcome by moderator (Peter Bollen, The Danish 3R-Center)
- Beyond Animal Testing: Development of Organs-on-Chips to Emulate Human Biology (Lorna Ewart, Emulate)
- The Danish 3R-Center - our tasks 2019 (Christine Nellemann, Danmarks 3R-Center)
- Code of conduct for research integrity (Marco Annoni, National Research Council, Italien)
- Never replicate a successful experiment – facing the reproducibility crisis in the life sciences (Helene Richter, University of Münster)
- 3R funding of research activities 2014-2019 in Denmark by the Danish 3R-Center (Lisbeth E. Knudsen, Danmarks 3R-Center) (beskrivelse på dansk)
- The 3Rs and the credibility of science: are they linked? (Malcolm Macleod, The University of Edinburgh)
- The 9 to 5 rodent – time for change? (Penny Hawkins, RSPCA)
- Sex bias in pre-clinical research (Natasha Karp, Astra Zeneca)
- How to improve scientific validity and animal welfare: guidelines for animal research (Adrian Smith, Norecopa)
- Mechanism-based mathematical modelling as an alternative to animal experiments (Johanne Gudmand Høyer, DTU)
- Handling and training for less stressed laboratory rodents (Camilla Bengtsson, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden)
Tilmeld dig Danmarks 3R-Centers nyhedsbrev, så du eksempelvis ikke misser vores årlige symposium.