Danmarks 3R-Centers symposium 2015
Program November 10th 2015
Time | Title | Speaker | Presentation |
09.00 | Registration and breakfast | ||
10.00 | Welcome by moderator | Lisbeth E. Knudsen, The Danish 3R-Center | |
10.15 | Christine Nellemann, The Danish 3R-Center | ||
10.45 | Experiences from the UK 3Rs Centre: Current activities and future plans | Ian Ragan, Dr., NC3R | |
11.30 | Birgitte Kousholt, DVM, PhD, University of Aarhus | ||
12.00 | Lunch | ||
13.00 | Execution of Novo Nordisk Animal Ethics Ambition, The establishment of a 3R department | Stine Øvlisen, Director 3R Management & Strategy | |
13.30 | Otto Kalliokoski, University of Copenhagen | ||
13.50 | Development of an in vitro human skin model for evaluation of topical antimicrobial compounds | Mette Elena Skindersø, Assistant professor, Technical University of Denmark | |
14.10 | Development of an in vitro model to predict acute lung toxicity of waterproofing spray products | Søren Thor Larsen, Cand.pharm., ph.d., National Research Centre for the Working Environment | Not available |
14.30 | Break | ||
15.00 | Teaching the Three R's - conveying the message to Danish students | Aiko Sho Nielsen, Biologist and freelance journalist | |
15.30 | The 3Rs: on animal scientists perceptions, awareness and practices | Jesper Lassen, Professor, University of Copenhagen | Not available |
16.00 | Looking at data - 10 years of data from the Danish Experiments Inspectorate | Louise Bjørn Brønden, The Danish 3R-Center | |
16.30 | Networking |
Program November 11th 2015
Time | Title | Speaker | Presentation |
09.00 | Moving forward with the Three Rs in the EU | Susanna Louhimies, Policy Coordinator, The European Commission | |
09.30 | Eva Bay Wedebye, Senior QSAR Officer, Danish Technical University | ||
10.00 | Toxicogenomics approaches towards predicting chemical carcinogenicity in vitro | Jos Kleinjans, Professor, Maastricht University | |
10.30 | Break - networking | ||
11.00 | Stem cell models – hypes and hopes in their potential as replacement for animal testing | Christian Clausen, Bioneer A/S, Chairman Board of Directors, Danish Stem Cell Society (DASCS) | Not available |
11.30 | Asbjørn Mohr Drewes, Aalborg University Hospital | ||
12.00 | Danish 3R-award 2015 | ||
12.30 | Lunch | ||
13.30 | Engineering of human 3D vascularized tissues including disease models | Angela Rossi, Dr. Fraunhofer Institute | |
14.15 | Aage Kristian Olsen Alstrup, University of Aarhus | Not available | |
15.00 | Thank you and goodbye by moderator | Lisbeth E. Knudsen, The Danish 3R-Center |
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